Choose quality over quantity for backlinks in SEOMersey SEO

Should you choose quality over quantity for backlinks?

All of these clicks, where do they come from?

Paying customers hopefully…but in terms of SEO, how do you get from the lemonade stand in your front garden to a fully operating business in the online world? SEO should be very important to your business; especially if you’re reading a blog post about whether you should choose quality over quantity for backlinks.

So you’ve called in an SEO company to optimise your website because you want to climb the rankings in Google and be the best in the business but it doesn’t happen overnight, it’s an ongoing process with many moving parts. One area a lot of people don’t know about is building quality backlinks.

Well now is the time to learn about choosing between quality and quantity for backlinks. Sit back and relax whilst we teach you all about building the highest standard backlinks in order for your business to gain a reputable status online.


What is a backlink and why should I choose quality over quantity for backlinks?

Before choosing between quality and quantity for backlinks, what is meant by a backlink?

A backlink is a link to your website/page from another web page. Simple. Google will look at the overall quality of the links to your website to determine how authoritative and relative these links are to your website/industry. This is one of the factors Google use to determine how high up they will rank your website.

An example of a quality backlink would be a link to your website from a web page that has a high page authority and domain authority score. Moz alert!

Back-links can come from all sorts of places on the internet but choosing between quality and quantity for backlinks is most important. An example of a quality backlink is that you may have a friend in the same line of business as you with a website of their very own and out of the kindness of their heart they have linked your web page to theirs.

Directory websites such as the yellow pages will provide details about your business including it’s name, address and phone number. This is known as a NAP (Name Address Phone) listing and whilst it may not be a direct link to your website NAP’s really do help with rankings by the NAP listings telling google that these details are trustworthy and deserve some notice. As well as a NAP listing some directories will also provide a link to your web page on this screen.

Further examples of where you may get quality over quantity for backlinks from is from what you’re reading right now, a blog post. A link to your website from a blog post/comment is recognised in SEO terms as a contextual backlink.

This is because as well as there being a link to somewhere there is also some content to be read that is relevant to where you will be redirected to if you follow the link. For example you may be reading a blog post about SEO vs PPC and in the post the author may write “you can check out my SEO vs PPC here” See how the word here is hyperlinked?

That right there is a contextual backlink to another post on our website.


So…what other quality backlinks are there?

You want a number of quality over quantity backlinks to your website rather than a lot of poor quality ones; this is why you should choose quality over quantity for backlinks. You will find that your website moves up the rankings of Google far quicker with a few quality backlinks as opposed to a lot of poor quality backlinks.

This is simply down to users of the internet and how Google works in showing only the highest quality content to its users first.


Your choice is clear

Quality over quantity for backlinks is what you should be looking for and choosing. Trust me, the quantity will come later.

So whether you are going out on your own or you are going to hire a team of experts like us. Don’t forget that it is all about the quality over quantity for backlinks; which as a savvy business person we are sure that you know.


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