`The importance of On Page SEOMersey SEO

On Page SEO done right

On-Page SEO? What’s That – Why Does it Matter? Let Us Tell You!

SEO, On-page SEO, On-site SEO, Off-site SEO, Local SEO – you’ve probably seen these terms come up a lot, and you might be wondering whether they’re the same thing, or if they’re even worth knowing about at all. On-Page and On-Site SEO are actually the same thing, and it basically refers to sorting out your website, rather than external links to other parts of the internet, which is (unsurprisingly) known as Off-Site SEO.

Taking care of your On-Page SEO is actually pretty important – because when it’s done properly, search engines will crawl through the pages and ‘index’ them (determine what sort of content is on the pages). This information is then used to determine what searches you show up in.

The goal of On-Page SEO is to improve your own website, so you rank higher and earn more useful and relevant traffic from Search Engines. Sounds pretty simple right? The basics actually are, but it’s knowing what to take care of, and how often to update it, that’s going to make the biggest difference.

How Can You Improve Your On-Site SEO?

There are quite a few ways you can tidy up your on-site SEO and make a noticeable difference. Some of the most important areas to address include:

Your primary keyword is the term that you’ve identified as the most important, and the one that will help the search engine and visitors understand your content best. As well as the primary keyword, you’ll want to identify secondary ones, and use descriptive language to really hammer home what you’re doing on your page.

You’ll need to be careful with your keywords – some, especially long-tailed ones (three or more words) can read very robotically or as if they’re obviously included for the computers. At the end of the day, you want your page indexed for sure – but you have to remember that it’s real people reading your content, and if it reads like it was written by a three-year old Neanderthal, it’s not going to convey your brand very well!

Visual Assets
Did you know that your visual assets actually help to improve your SEO? They can be a great way of generating backlinks and should be high-quality to boost your rating.

Title Tags
The title tag you choose will actually determine your title in SERPs (well, with a few exceptions), and is going to be the person searching’s first experience with your content – you want to make a positive impression, and capture their interest, and your title tag is how you’re going to start this!

Meta Descriptions
These little blocks of text are actually super important! They need to convey your message, the page content, and the target keywords, and grab your audience attention in a very short space. These meta descriptions are what people will read when they see you appear in a search after all!

Image Optimisation
Don’t forget, that you’ve got a very short window of opportunity to impress potential customers and keep them on your website. If your images and content aren’t optimised, and take forever to lad – you’re going to have a much higher bounce rate than you would otherwise.

This is where your Local SEO will also be kicking in, because geotags are pretty much what they say on the tin – they flag your geographic location and allow your content to be found by people searching for that physical area.

Knowing where to start with your On-Site SEO can take a bit of time and practice, and if you’re not sure whether you’re targeting the right areas, it can lead to frustration and wasted time, budget, and resources.

If you’re not sure where you should get started, or what you should be doing to improve your ratings – then you should get in touch, our experts are waiting to help you make the best of your content!

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